In [2]:
from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manual
import ipywidgets as widgets
from gtts import gTTS
import matplotlib
import numpy
from traitlets.config.manager import BaseJSONConfigManager
path = "/Users/Kristen/anaconda3/envs/py36/etc/jupyter/nbconfig"
cm = BaseJSONConfigManager(config_dir=path)
cm.update("livereveal", {"autolaunch": True,
"theme": "sky",
#Supress default INFO logging
# The UT Dallas Art Science Lab Training module
print ("Sonification Training Module v0.5.2")
print("\nDeveloped by the ArtSciLab at UT Dallas")
print("Full or Empty Exploration Module" )
print("\nBasic Instructions for each cell :")
print('1. Press Shift + Enter to initiate display')
print("2. Press Space Bar to proceed to the next cell")
print("Volume controls are located in the top row of the keyboard if you need to adjust the volume at any time")
In [1]:
%run ./dep/scripts/
from ipywidgets import widgets
print("Press Shift + Enter to initiate display")
print("\nUse the slider to set a value and click Sonify Me to play a sonification.")
print("\nTry to explore the full range of values and listen carefully:")
print("Notice the variation in timbre and acoustic resonance at different values.")
interact (f, percentage=(0,100,1))
button = widgets.Button(description="Sonify Me!")
print("You will be tested on your ability to judge the value of sonifications on this scale.")
print("When you are ready, press the Space Bar to proceed.")
Now that you have explored this sound representation, it is time to move on to the next phase of testing your ability to judge sonifications on this scale.
Please close this tab and open the next module from the list of notebooks:
4. Full or Empty Testing Module